Kazimierz J. Zaniewski et Hervé Théry à l’honneur dans la revue Geographische Rundschau
Les professeurs Kazimierz J. Zaniewski et Hervé Théry, éminents membres du comité scientifique d’Articque ont publié chacun un article dans la revue Allemande Geographische Rundschau.
Nous vous proposons ici les cartes de ces articles (réalisées à l’aide du logiciel Cartes & Données).
Article du professeur K.J.Zaniewski
World population trends since 1950
This paper examines world demographic trends since 1950 with particular emphasis on temporal and regional differences in population growth rates and two components of population change, natural increase (fertility minus mortality) and net migration (immigration minus emigration). It also looks at environment relationship, population aging and urbanization. Finally, it outlines future trends in world population growth.
Article du professeur H. Théry
Population and environment in Brazil
Brazil is a continent-size country; it extend from north of the equator to south of the Tropic of Capricorn and from de 36th meridian to the 72nd west of Greenwich. Defining this immense space by its geographical coordinates, precise but abstract, does not give a realistic idea of the size of the country.