Portrait de Vincent T’Kindt
Enseignant chercheur à l’Université de Tours
Domaine(s) d’enseignement
Langage C++, Génie Logiciel, Outils pour le développement informatique, Ordonnancement et Aide à la Décision
- Responsable de l’axe « Ordonnancement et Conduite » du Laboratoire d’Informatique (EA 2101).
- Responsable des Relations Entreprise du Département Informatique de Polytech’Tours.
Thèmes de recherche
Ordonnancement, Optimisation multicritère, Recherche Opérationnelle
Activités / CV
Publications récentes
- V. Barichard, M. Ehrgott, X. Gandibleux et V. T’kindt (2008).MultiObjective Programming and Goal Programming. Editeurs invités, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical, Systems, Springer-Verlag (Heidelberg).
- V. T’kindt et J.-C. Billaut (2006). Multicriteria Scheduling : Theory, Models and Algorithms, Springer-Verlag (Heidelberg), seconde édition, 360 pages
- P. Baptiste, F. Della Croce, A. Grosso et V.T’kindt (2008). Sequencing a single machine with due dates and deadlines: an ILP-based approach, Journal of Scheduling, à paraître.
- V. T’kindt, K. Bouibede-Hocine et C. Esswein (2007). Counting and Enumeration Complexity with application to multicriteria scheduling, Annals of Operations Research, 153, pp. 215-234.
- V. T’kindt, F. Della Croce et J.-L. Bouquard (2007). Enumeration of Pareto optima for a flowshop scheduling problem with two criteria, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 19(1), 64-72.
- B. Estève, C. Aubijoux, A. Chartier et V. T’kindt (2006). A Recovering Beam Search algorithm for the single machine Just-in-Time scheduling problem, European Journal of Operational Research, 172(3), 798-813.
- V. T’kindt, K. Bouibede-Hocine et C. Esswein (2005). Counting and Enumeration Complexity with application to multicriteria scheduling, 4’OR, 3(1):1-21.
- V. T’kindt, J.-C. Billaut, J.-L. Bouquard, C. Lenté, P. Martineau, E. Néron, C. Proust et C. Tacquard (2005). The OCEA Project: Towards a Decision System for Scheduling Problems, International Journal of Decision Systems, 40(2):329-337.
- V. T’kindt, F. Della Croce et C. Esswein (2004). Revisiting branch and bound search strategies for machine scheduling problems, Journal of Scheduling, 7(6):429-440
Communications récentes
- C. Mocquillon, C. Lenté, et V.T’kindt (2008). Rescheduling for new orders with setup times, Eleventh International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling (PMS’08), Istanbul (Turquie).
- F. Della Croce et V.T’kindt (2008). Improving the preemptive bound for the single machine min-max lateness problem subject to release times, Eleventh International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling (PMS’08), Istanbul (Turquie).
- P. Baptiste, F. Della Croce, A. Grosso et V.T’kindt (2007). Optimally sequencing large instances of the 1|di|S wiUi problem, The 3rd Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling : Theory and Applications (MISTA’07), pp. 71-79, Paris, 28-31 Août 2007 (France).
- C. Mocquillon, C. Lenté, et V.T’kindt (2007). A heuristic for a multicriteria shampoo production problem, 8th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems (MAPSP2007), pp. 119-121, Istanbul (Turquie).
- V. T’kindt, C. Lenté et C. Proust (2007). Coûts de stockage dans un Flowshop d’assemblage, 7ème Congrès International de Génie Industriel (CIGI’07), Québec (Canada).
- C. Mocquillon, C. Lenté et V. T’kindt (2006). Solution of a Multicriteria Shampoo Production Problem, International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (IEEE IC SSSM’06), Troyes (France).
- K. Bouibede-Hocine, Y. Benlaaribia et V. T’kindt (2006). Comparison of two methods for the enumeration of Pareto optima for uniform parallel machines scheduling with two criteria, 10th Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling (PMS’06), Poznan (Pologne).
- C. Mocquillon, C. Lenté et V. T’kindt (2006). A lower bound for multicriteria shampoo production problem, 7th International Conference on MultiObjective Programming and Goal Programming (MOPGP’06), Tours (France).